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SpamAssassin Address Book Scoring

As a user, the spam filtering generally runs behind the scenes and nothing is required of you for it to operate. However, on occassion you might find that you subscribe to a newsletter that has articles about medication or other typical spam topics, and that newsletter gets blocked.

To address this issue, Ivenue's SpamAssassin runs a custom spam filter called the Address Book plugin. This plugin checks to see if the email sender exists in the webmail system's address book. If the sender exists in anybody's address book, then a large amount of points are deducted from the spam score, thus ensuring the email will get through. Additionally, extra points are deducted for the number of times the sender appears in all users' address books.

If you have an email that is being blocked by Ivenue's spam filters, add the sender to your address book and the emails should now make it through.

Note: This plugin is only useful if the email address is stored in the address book on the webmail system. Putting the sender into the address book on your local Outlook, Outlook Express, Eudora, or Thunderbird will have no effect on the spam score generated by the mail servers.